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Site URL\Zappo000\
Date added
January 31, 2002


Yo if you want join my clan
you go to join and send me a mesagge my clans name is

Zappo Blood Brothers

and i have good links


Electric Ir on August 01, 1994 04:00 2.0

Very poor website. It’s hosted by Geocities (yugh) and there are links for illegal stuff such as roms. The javascript is irritating me and I wouldn’t choose for that background if I was you. Luckily I am not. A 2.0.

ElectroPiZZa on August 01, 1994 04:00 2.0

This site happens to be a clan page hosted by GeoCities (GAAH). The site overall is a mess, with overuse of Javascript and images (accompanied by a background that makes everything almost unreadable). Not much information is present, and ALSO, there are links to some illegal stuff (such as downloading video game ROMs, etc.). Not good.

Roseta on August 01, 1994 04:00 2.2

Not enough on the site and not enough work put into it sorry, no offence.
The site only has one page from what I can see except for the guestbook.
Does not look much like a clansite, sorry on a clansite I think there should be more info about the clan, even if there is not going to be a memberslist.

American on August 01, 1994 04:00 1.7

This site is nearly illegible on the latest version of Internet Explorer. Most of the links are 404’s, the main page seems to contain no content and forces you to view the HTML, and there are links to what used to be illegal content. If these links were still functional, they would be removed. But, like much of this site, it is not. A 1.7 for an extremely buggy and overdone website.

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