Jazz Jackrabbit 2: 3D Edition


Link details

Added by
Violet CLM
Site URL
Date added
February 24, 2005


Homepage for Baggers’ 3D remake of Jazz Jackrabbit 2. Contains screenshots, videos, links to forum topics, etc.


Stijn on March 03, 2005 16:33 4.0

Doesn’t look too good. The copyright message is too big and too close to the “content” table, and I hate the typography. It uses pretty much just ripped graphics and doesn’t have much content except for some links and screenshots (which may be its purpose, but what about game info or something?)

Ñîçk ÐR on April 19, 2005 20:14 N/A

Not much now, might be pretty cool when its done. And the Demo isnt working for me :(

Ense on June 25, 2005 21:13 7.2

This looks pretty good to me…
Just needs working on the site(for example some darker look, and better). I hope this will be done pretty soon.

MoonRazor1992 on June 01, 2006 13:54 8.2

I liked this page, pretty nice, the saddest thing is:
“Moved btw – 7/22/05
For those not aware, this site is no longer being updated.”
I copied that from that page, but I still like that page. ^^


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