Clan [GpW]'s HQ


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Date added
January 20, 2001


a well the GpW Site (YaY), there is also the old site right here

Have fun.. I geuss…


aiko on August 01, 1994 04:00 6.5

Not a bad site, the layout is pretty decent. Not to forget the cool Flash animations. Has some basic info on their clan activities, a memberlist, some files and a messageboard. One of the better clansites i guess. Not very J2 related, but worth a visit.

P.S.: Interesting banner ads sometimes ;-)

[visited 21.01.2001]

SPLASHcc on August 01, 1994 04:00 7.7

(not needed anymore -Admin)

edit: I see the rating has been deleted. time for me to delete my rating as well. I will rate this site fair now.

ShadowGPW on August 01, 1994 04:00 N/A

O, yeah.. 1 extra note
don’t try the War section =)

It’s kinda messy overthere..
so it still needs to be Fixed Fixed Fixed =D

and erm.. Kman made it all.. hail to him =|

ShadowGPW on August 01, 1994 04:00 N/A

atm we are working on a redesign of this old updated version.. will post a preview soon

Stijn on August 01, 1994 04:00 7.0

Kool Layout, not bad index =)


Roseta on August 01, 1994 04:00 7.7

Good layout, true its not very Jazz related but worth a visit.
Slow loading though.

American on August 01, 1994 04:00 7.2

An interesting Flash-based site to say the least, although there are a few problems. When entering the site, the visitor is first treated to a broken image on page one (somewhat unprofessional). However, the rest of the site seems to be functional. There is really no reason for this site to require Flash – only the logo, which is not animated and could have been implemented as an image with CSS – requires it in addition to the enter with/without Flash thing. The links are organized fairly well at the top of the site, and point to the various sections. The message board is nothing exceptional – simply a free message board with a barrage of pop-up ads that requires you to be a GpW member to post last time I checked. The rest of the site is somewhat informative, but lacks some useful content and has a good degree of English errors. Still, the design of this site, while unneededly Flash-based, is good. My rating is 7.2.

Taz on August 01, 1994 04:00 N/A

How come you in GPW?
There is no JOIN link or what…

JoJo a.k.a. IP-Dope on August 01, 1994 04:00 7.5

Taz, this is WEBSITE-reviewing..Please ask your questions @ the forums or mail them…

Well, the site..
Very nice designed website, this one. The Flash-header at the top is very well designed. Too bad that there aren’t many variations..Only at the beginning..

There is plenty of information about the clan; you can see the members (the member db is offline for a very long time now tho..), latest news, even forums and much more..It’s a pleasure to browse that site.

I think it’s one of the better sites made by Jj2 clans, the clan isn’t that jj2 related tho..

Well done!

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